
Breast Lift with Implants

The Upper East Side, NYC based double Ivy League trained board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Umbareen Mahmood, is proud to offer patients breast lift with implants surgery at her speciality aesthetic surgery practice. Breast lift surgery with augmentation is routinely performed at our fully accredited Upper East Side (Manhattan, NYC) surgical suite. A breast lift (also known as mastopexy) aims to raise and contour the breasts without changing their overall size. Mastopexy realigns the darker skin that surrounds the nipple and eliminates excess / sagging skin while also tightening the breast tissue that already exists. At our Manhattan, New York facility, the double Ivy League trained board certified plastic surgeon routinely performs a breast lift alongside an augmentation with implants.

Breast lift with implants surgery is most commonly employed upon women after childbirth, as it can lead to sagging breasts that lack definition, shape, and / or volume. A breast lift with implants can effectively address these issues through surgical intervention with minimal scarring. Other contributing factors include time, gravity, and rapid weight gain or loss may have an adverse effect on the breasts without undergoing pregnancy. Each breast lift with implants surgery is custom tailored to the needs of each patient and our plastic surgeon, along with her dedicated team of highly trained specialists are committed to providing patients with dramatic, yet natural-looking postoperative results. Your plastic surgeon will assess the severity of your ptosis (breast sagginess) through an evaluation of the areolae placement. Ptosis may be considered mild, moderate, or severe. This determination also aids in the determination of the final incision method. 

Incision Methods

  • Periareolar: This technique is best suited for women with small breasts and mild ptosis. An crescent shaped incision is made around the areolae and the tissue is repositioned and tightened to provide the breasts with a more lifted, aesthetically pleasing shape. This method is minimally invasive and provides little to no scarring. 
  • Vertical (Lollipop): Patients who have nipples and mild to moderately sagging breast tissue may benefit from a vertical breast lift. The nipple is elevated, extra skin is removed, the areola is shrunk to a more acceptable size, and the breasts are raised to a young position and beautiful shape using this technique. The ultimate incision resembles a “lollipop.” (around the nipple and one vertical line down). This method is highly efficient and minimizes post-operative scarring. 
  • Wise Pattern (Anchor): This method is characterized by an “anchor”-style scar that wraps around the nipple, has a vertical line down, and a curved line along the breast fold is the product of the wise pattern method. For patients with considerable amounts of extra skin and significantly sagging breasts, the wise pattern lift is the best option. The wise pattern lift is the procedure that is performed the most frequently in the United States, but because it leaves the most scars, which is why Dr. Mahmood only employs it when absolutely necessary.

During your initial consultation with the Upper East Side, New York based top rated double Ivy League trained plastic surgeon, you will discuss your goals with the plastic surgeon and she will explain each step of the breast lift with implants process. You will view a variety of implant shapes, sizes, and textures to determine the best fit for your chest and aesthetic goals. Typically, women in good physical and mental health who desire fuller, lifted breasts are candidates for breast lift with implants surgery. You will also have the opportunity to speak with the plastic surgeon one-on-one about any questions or concerns you might have about the procedure. 

On the day of your breast lift with implants procedure, you will travel to the double Ivy League trained plastic surgeon’s Upper East Side (Manhattan, NYC) based boutique surgical center. Your plastic surgeon will make preoperative markings on your skin to denote incision / target areas before you are placed under general anesthesia. Depending on the severity of your ptosis and desired final post-operative aesthetic, the plastic surgeon may employ the periareolar, vertical, or wise pattern surgical technique. The procedure takes between an hour and a half to three hours and patients can expect to take at least a week off of school or work to recover.  

Our plastic surgery practice is dedicated to protecting your health and helping you achieve your cosmetic plastic surgery goals by providing superior patient care every step of the way, from the first consultation through the recovery period. We believe in making plastic surgery a comfortable fit for your budget and offer a variety of flexible financing options, including CareCredit™. Our in-office patient coordinator is happy to work with you to find a compatible payment option.

Umbareen Mahmood, MD
Upper East Side (Manhattan, NYC) Plastic Surgeon
5 E 57th St, Floor 16
New York, NY 10022
(917) 426-2936

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