
Best Thigh Lift Plastic Surgeon NYC Upper East Side

Thigh lift plastic surgery is performed at our best in class Upper East Side plastic surgery practice in Manhattan NYC by our Ivy League trained, board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Umbareen Mahmood. Dr. Mahmood specializes in thigh lift plastic surgery at her state-of-the-art plastic surgery practice in NYC. The board certified plastic surgeon offers the most advanced techniques in thigh lift plastic surgery to ensure that her patients get the best possible outcome with minimal scarring and downtime.

  • We offer virtual and in-person thigh lift plastic surgery consultations

Thigh lift or thighplasty by Dr. Mahmood tightens the thighs by removing excess fat and skin of the thighs. Removing this excess skin and fat leads to tighter skin and lifted lower body and thighs. Excess fat or loose, hanging skin of the inner thighs can occur with aging, gravity, weight loss procedures (ie: gastric bypass/sleeve), weight loss or gain, and genetics.

“For years I contemplated a thigh lift. After finally making the decision to do so, I had to find the right plastic surgeon in NYC who had a proven track record and expertise and could make me feel comfortable about the entire process and through a trusted friend Dr. Mahmood was highly recommended. From the first consultation visit Dr. Mahmood was absolutely amazing! She was patient with me, answered all of my question, and really assured me. She not only answered all my questions but took the time to actually listen to me. She literally is the best plastic surgeon in NYC and I would recommend her to anyone who wants a thigh lift” ~ Healthgrades

You may want to consider a thigh lift if:

  • You have excess soft tissue along the inner and/or outer thigh regions
  • You have recently lost significant weight or have reduced skin elasticity
  • You are concerned with your thighs saggy, dimpled or flabby in appearance

Liposuction plastic surgery alone may remove excess fat in patients with good skin elasticity. In patients with loose skin, a thigh lift with or without, liposuction may be suggested. The top rated Upper East Side plastic surgeon will discuss the procedure with you in great detail including planned incisions, risks, and benefits and expected recovery.

Thigh lift plastic surgery is an outpatient procedure which means you can recover in the comfort of your own home!

Thigh lifts are performed by the Upper East Side top plastic surgeon in NYC using either an inner incision in the groin crease only or one that also extends down the inside of the leg. The incision pattern depends on the patient, the extent of treatment necessary, and surgeon and patient preference.

Dr. Mahmood is sensitive to her patients’ concerns. She uses cutting edge techniques in her strategic incision placement to make sure surgical scars are hidden within the bikini area.

Inner thigh lift incision

Dr. Mahmood will make sure your incisions are as inconspicuous as possible. The inner thigh lift incision is hidden in the groin and in some patients, may extend along the inseam of the inner thigh down to the knee if necessary. In some cases, patients may be candidates for a minimal incision inner thigh lift that strictly involves an incision in the groin region. The type of inner thigh lift incision best fit for your aesthetic goals will be determined at your consultation and confirmed at your pre-operative visit.

The best-in-class, board certified plastic surgeon offers consultations in her state-of-the-art plastic surgery practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

During your thigh lift plastic surgery consultation with the ivy league trained, board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Mahmood will review your medical history, medications, smoking status, previous surgeries, and overall health. After performing a thorough physical exam and discussing your surgical goals and ideal look, she will discuss which treatment option will be the most appropriate to help achieve your desired result safely and effectively.

Recovery & after care
Immediately following your thigh lift plastic surgery with the highly skilled NYC plastic surgeon you will need to wear compression garments to protect the incisions and to help reduce swelling. Medication and an antibiotic will be prescribed and you will need an escort to take you home. During your recovery from thigh lift plastic surgery at our Upper East Side plastic surgery practice you may have surgical drains which are generally removed a few days after surgery. Patients may walk immediately but are instructed to refrain from vigorous activity or heavy lifting for one month after surgery. Total thigh lift recovery time depends on the patient and the extent of the procedure. Most patients take up to ten days off from work for recovery.

  • Thigh lift results are almost immediately visible. Most patients will have much slimmer thighs with better contour and tone. Skin quality will also be improved by the procedure.

A thigh lift consultation is necessary to determine if thigh lift plastic surgery is right for you. During your thigh lift plastic surgery consultation with the board certified plastic surgeon at our Upper East Side location in NYC, Dr. Mahmood will work with you to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to book your thigh lift plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Umbareen Mahmood at our Upper East Side, NYC location and be one step closer to your plastic surgery goals.

Our plastic surgery practice is dedicated to protecting your health and helping you achieve your cosmetic plastic surgery goals by providing superior patient care every step of the way, from the first consultation through the recovery period. We believe in making plastic surgery a comfortable fit for your budget and offer a variety of flexible financing options, including CareCredit™. Our in-office patient coordinator is happy to work with you to find a compatible payment option.

Umbareen Mahmood, MD
Upper East Side (Manhattan, NYC) Plastic Surgeon
5 E 57th St, Floor 16
New York, NY 10022
(917) 426-2936

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